
Increase the adoption of your onboarding platform: 5 tips for more logins

Khrystyna Fedoruk
February 29, 2024
min read
Table of Contents
Using an onboarding app is a great step towards efficient and engaging onboarding. However, it may take some time and a couple of tweaks to create the perfect experience for your employees. In a series of blogs, we want to talk about the most common problems that our customers face and some tips that will enhance your user experience of the app. Let’s take a moment to delve into adoption and how to improve it.

What is adoption in the onboarding app?

Adoption focuses on the initial uptake of our platform by new hires. Specifically, it measures how many of the users have logged into the platform and if the new hires have logged in at the right time. 

How to measure the adoption rate?

Our dashboard offers useful measures and statistics to better understand your adoption rate. It provides an overview of how many new viewers were created, how many % of new hires logged in, the time of login, and the relationship of this login to their first day to find out if the preboarding period has been used. 

Where to find adoption metrics in the app?

How to find your adoption statistics? Go to the dashboard, use the filters you want (course, group, user, duration), and take a look at the first 4 blocks on your dashboard.

This information does not only allow you to measure adoption, but it also offers valuable insights about the motivation and dedication of new hires. 

But when is the adoption rate considered low? It varies depending on the industry and specific circumstances. Nonetheless, continuous user monitoring is crucial to identifying any potential issues.

5 Tips to increase the adoption rate

Boosting the adoption of our platform requires a blend of strategic communication and engagement with the new hires at various stages of their journey. Here's how you can ensure a smooth introduction and continual use of our platform:

1. Mapping out the touchpoints 

Start by outlining - when do you want to remind your employee to log in and check the content. Write down when the contact moments with your new hire take place, for example: the "working at" webpage, employment terms negotiation or salary and benefits negotiation meeting, or email from HR. 

Then decide: which content would you like to share at these moments? To improve engagement with the app you should decide, when is the best time to invite your new hire? Did you choose a convenient time to send out the invite (e.g. 11 a.m. works better than 2 a.m.)? Ensure, that your communication is relevant and happens at the right point in time.  

2. Incorporate Appical from the start 

To set the stage for a successful onboarding, begin by weaving Appical into your hiring conversations. Mention it during job interviews, highlight it within your job postings, and consider including a reference to it in the employment contract. This establishes early on that Appical is a fundamental part of the onboarding journey at your organization, paving the way for smooth preboarding and a seamless transition for new hires.

3. Tweak your communication 

Simple changes in how you communicate can lead to significant improvements in adaptation rates. Embracing your brand's voice and corporate culture is especially important in your first emails. Ensure that it is compelling for your new hires. You want them to feel welcome and understand the corporate culture from the first connection. For instance, adopting a more conversational tone or adding emojis can make your emails feel more personalized and engaging. 

From the experience of one of our clients, you can even increase your adoption rate by 10% just by altering the placement of our platform's mention in an email, by bringing it from the bottom of the email to the top.

4. Customize to increase trust 

For the Enterprise package, Appical offers customizable features such as a custom sender domain, a custom login page (trusted URL), and whitelisting options. Make sure to reach out to Appical’s team, so that we can help you with this feature. These adjustments can make the platform more accessible and trustworthy for new hires, encouraging them to log in and engage with the content.

5. Ensure timely logins 

Keep the interaction with your new hire. Make sure that you send the initial messages earlier, no need to wait one day before the start date. Try asking questions like: When are your new hires logging in? Ensure that you are keeping the momentum of their onboarding process. 

Of course, you want your new employee not only to log in but also to complete the onboarding journey. How can you ensure that? And how do you measure engagement within the app? Our next blog post will cover this topic in detail.

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