Ultimate manager's guide to onboarding

Discover how you as a manager can invest and contribute to onboarding your new talent and guide them through the process with a personal approach. We walk you through the building blocks of a successful onboarding program and demonstrate the role of the manager along the way.

In this resource, you will uncover:

The benefits of doing onboarding right

A structured onboarding program will increase retention rates, but that’s not all why you should start onboarding your employees properly.

What to do before the new hire starts

Here’s what you can do as a manager during the pre-boarding to prepare for the arrival of your new team member to make them feel valued and welcome.

Creating an unforgettable first day

Did you know that 4% of employees quit after a disastrous first day? That’s quite a lot. So make the first working day count with these tips.

Your role as a manager after the first month

As a manager, it’s important to stay involved in your new hire’s progress. There are a variety of activities you can do to ensure their success.