
7 Tips for writing onboarding content with AI (+ Prompt Examples)

Jessica Heijmans
September 28, 2023
min read
Table of Contents
The world of employee onboarding is constantly evolving, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) playing a crucial role in this transformation. AI can help you create engaging, personalized, and consistent onboarding experiences that resonate with your new hires. And it's not as complicated as you might think! In this blog post, we'll dive into the benefits of using AI, specifically ChatGPT, to create captivating onboarding content. Additionally, we'll provide you with some valuable tips on how to leverage AI effectively to produce compelling content.

You might already have had fun experimenting with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, or perhaps you are just beginning your journey into the fascinating realm of AI-generated content. Regardless of your level of experience, we're here to assist you in creating onboarding content. But before we dive in, let's uncover why using AI is helpful in your onboarding journey.

Why use AI for the creation of onboarding content

Implementing AI in creating onboarding content offers numerous advantages, making it a valuable tool for your HR team. Let's explore the key reasons why you should consider using AI in your onboarding strategy:

Save valuable time and resources with fast content generation

Let's be honest, none of us have endless hours to spend on content creation. And it can be quite time-consuming to gather information from different sources within your organization and then convert it into engaging content for new employees. 

With the help of an AI Content Assistant, you can generate onboarding content within seconds, saving valuable time for your HR team and allowing you to focus more on the strategic aspects of onboarding.

Plus, you no longer need to rely on marketing or communication teams. Need a last-minute text? Not a problem, because with AI, you can create appealing content yourself - whenever it suits you, making the process of creating onboarding content efficient and saving precious hours and resources.

No more lack of inspiration

And let's not forget about those moments when you're simply stuck and don't know what to write. Every writer experiences writer's block at some point, and it's a natural part of the process. Fortunately, an AI tool never encounters this issue, so the inspiration for new AI copy is endless. Goodbye writer's block!

Maintain consistency in your content

An AI Content Assistant ensures that your brand message remains consistent across different channels and platforms. By generating content based on predefined guidelines and brand voice, the AI assistant helps maintain a unified tone and style throughout your onboarding materials. 

Additionally, content produced by non-native speakers can closely resemble that of native speakers using AI. This comes in particularly handy if you're not exactly a grammar guru (whether in your mother tongue or your second language). ChatGPT can serve as an extra reviewer to make sure your grammar is correct.

Enhanced Employee Experience 

When it comes to onboarding, traditional materials can be a bit dull and overwhelming for new hires. That's where AI-powered content comes in, offering an engaging approach to welcoming employees.  

When you connect new hires to the organization with creative and captivating content, it sparks their curiosity, ignites excitement, and fuels their desire to learn more. This boosts their engagement and helps them gain a better understanding of the organization as a whole.

[.callout-blue] What are prompts? A prompt is a short text used as a starting point for creating text. The text can be anything from a question to a statement to a request for information. Within Appical you can use our AI assistant to generate content for your onboarding courses.[.callout-blue]

7 Tips for Writing Onboarding Content with AI

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it still relies on clear instructions to provide accurate and relevant responses.

By implementing the following tips, you can improve the quality of your prompts and generate higher-quality text. These tips are based on the functionality of our AI tool, Appical.AI.

  1. Start with an action word: Begin your prompts with action words like "create," "write," "make," or "generate" to obtain clearer and more accurate results.
  2. Be clear and specific: Clearly state your questions or instructions, providing all necessary details and context for the AI model to understand what you are asking.
  3. Keep it concise: While clarity is important, aim to keep your prompts concise to avoid confusion or irrelevant responses.
  4. Use clear language: Avoid ambiguity and vague terms in your prompts. Instead, use clear and detailed language to convey your intent. For example, instead of saying, "Tell me about it," specify what you want to know, such as "Explain the process of onboarding.”
  5. Use examples or scenarios: Including examples or hypothetical scenarios helps provide context and improves the AI model's understanding of your content needs.
  6. Specify desired format or length: If you have a preference for how you want the response to be formatted or how long it should be, let ChatGPT know via the prompt. For example, specify the number of characters, words, or paragraphs you would like. You can also ask for a "Title..." or "A short paragraph..." etc. Consider your audience and aim for shorter content to increase engagement.
  7. Adapt your language and tone: Adjust your words to match the situation and the desired style. When dealing with formal inquiries or professional discussions, opt for more formal language. But if you're aiming for a casual and friendly vibe, go for a relaxed and informal language.

Examples of AI Prompts for your onboarding journey

To get you started, here are a few prompts you can try out with AI to create engaging onboarding content for your journey:

  1. Write a short and informal welcome message for a new hire at [name company]. Use a maximum of 100 words.
  2. Describe the company culture and values in three concise sentences. More information: [add link of your About Us page]
  3. Write a short paragraph to explain GDPR, but use simple and fun examples to make it easy for our new hires to understand.
  4. Create a summary of our benefits package, emphasizing healthcare, retirement plans, and employee perks. [add input]
  5. Can you rewrite this text about our company [add text]? Make it more fun and add a couple of emojis.
  6. Write a title for a page on diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
  7. List and describe the 3 highest-rated lunch spots around our office [name office] in [location]. Include addresses.

The possibilities of AI-generated content are limitless. Feel free to experiment with various prompts and discover how AI can optimize your onboarding content creation process.

[.callout-small]Tip! Enhance your existing content with Appical.AI. Our features fix grammar, shorten text, and change the tone of voice. Simply select the text and open the options menu with a right-click.[.callout-small]

Are there any limitations to using an AI tool for writing?

It's worth noting that while ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it does have its limitations. It's important to keep in mind that AI algorithms might find it a bit challenging to capture the subtle nuances of human creativity and emotion in writing. As a result, the content generated by these tools may lack that personal touch we often strive for. 

Additionally, it's worth considering that AI writing tools may struggle to grasp the full context of a given piece of writing, leading to potentially inaccurate results. It's important to keep in mind that not everything you come across online is necessarily true. Therefore, it is essential to recognize that not all AI-generated content is completely reliable (or considered original).

It’s always a good idea to carefully review the content before sharing it with others.

To sum it up, AI is transforming the way we create (onboarding) content. By harnessing the power of AI tools and implementing the tips mentioned earlier, you have the ability to create engaging, personalized, and consistent onboarding experiences. So, what are you waiting for?

If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to us. 

Happy onboarding!

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